Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Let's just post something from months ago.

Jed knew a guy in camp who was killed in a one car accident and still tells the story as if he never had before. Bonnie lost a friend in ninth grade and still thinks of her sometimes. Laurie still casually throws into conversation mention of how she couldn't stop crying thinking about her father, who died of cancer while we were in 11th grade. Elyse had a friend die that same year and it took her (to the best of my knowledge) at least two years to properly come to terms with that. Nobody deals with death particularly well. So why do I feel like such a fuck-up for still being messed up eight months afterwards? Is it how it seems impossible to believe it was that long ago; that in some alternate world it was just yesterday or even tomorrow and that if I dialed the right numbers I could talk to her again? How it still feels like part of me's in shock, like back in Las Vegas when I saw an old man brutally assaulted and couldn't remember my thoughts, just the sounds and vision? My brother's voice is like a cliched broken record, repeating his two words over and over and over in that voice barely restraining tears and so on. The rest of everything is very isolated. Then again, I guess so is that. All of a sudden, but only for a moment, you see where these people who believe in John Edwards and crap like that are coming from. They're desperate and lonely with a kind of loneliness that'll never be resolved because the one person they want to talk to again is gone forever and they're scared. And gullible, of course, but sometimes it's easier to come to terms with being gullible than it is to there being no chance at saying goodbye or i'm sorry or whatever else you'd say. Someone told me in the couple weeks afterward that situations like this really make you find out who you really are. That's bullshit and if i believed it I'd be much more upset than I already am. I'm a 20 year old; my place is drinking far too much and staying out with my friends and screwing beautiful young women but I don't know how long until it'll all be possible again in any thing but lip service and the good graces of friends who're smart enough to act like I'm the same person I was beforehand. This was not natural or blameless. We can't tell ourselves it was "time" or that she lived a full life or any bullshit like that. She was an unhappy person who generally made us all unhappy but that doesn't make it all okay either. So I blame myself and I blame my family and I blame her friends but most of the blame falls squarely on those shoulders which are currently being whittled out of existence by mold and god knows what else. So if she's not here where can it go? I know it's not other peoples' faults for living their lives; it's not anything happened to them anyway and I don't wish feeling like this on them by any means. The best you can do is hope you're left with more than your two best friends and a lot of alcohol when it stops being so relevant.
I was going to continue in this vein, but instead, to celebrate my first non-(this)death thought in a long time tonight and because I can feel the self-pity becoming more prominent than the "real" emotions and fuck that. I was wondering for a minute up there why dead bodies have to smell so awful and then it occured to me that dead people carry ridiculous amounts of disease so of course it's advantageous to want them far away from you. Mm, selection.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Here come the pretentious narratives. I'm so, so sorry for this. Apologies to A.D. for part of the first paragraph and to Stephen King for the last line. It fit.


Which brought him to the uselessness of articles. Entire languages and cultures had survived and even thrived without them; so many naming names wasn't even needed. Take the basic phrase "pass me the wrench." How about "pass me that wrench"? Or "pass me a wrench" complete with a pointing gesture? Or, of course, the thought that brought him to the original disclosure, "wrench me"? Sure, it sounds like it could easily be misinterpreted but weren't we already nothing without context and aren't we all someday going to context to die?

11 am and he was disgusted by titles. Would a clever use of something that had sounded like a name really be that distressing that it has to always be equated to a name? Would "Flowers For Algernon" be any less of a story if the title had had some significance to the writer and those in the know to the reference without the existence of a rat named Algernon in the story? Maybe he was wrong and it really would have, of course. Maybe "Flowers and Distress for Lucy" with "Lucy" representing the link found in the western United States during the late 80s and not an actual character named Lucy or "April Brings Rose" without a character named April resulting in the meeting of the protagonist with a romantic interest named Lucy would have caused intense peristalsis and awkward twitching and paranoia resulting in insomnia and such terrible bouts of alcoholism that the story would have to be rewritten such so that a character named April resulting in the meeting of the protagonist with a romantic interest named Rose would indeed exist. Good Will Hunting was just the fox, as it were.

12 am and he imagined the Mona Lisa surrounded by casual merchandise dying, her entire body twitching in peristalsis as foam poured out her mouth as if gagged by a phallus forced down her throat mercilessly. 1 am and his fourth grade teacher once told him he could tell a simile from a metaphor by remembering "and a smile" because a simile included like or as and a metaphor did not but he wasn't fucking smiling. Similes were never as clever, of course, and he did have a penchant for the clever. He wondered if maybe the titlers were just worried that girls would enjoy them more if in the end they veered towards the seemingly heartfelt and not the seemingly clever.


It was a small gathering at Mary's and he (or maybe it was Sal or Eli) had entered with no particular plan, much less forseeing fucking anybody by the end of the night. And there was no mistake to be made, this was not going to be mutual sexual contact between himself and his recipient of considerably ugly (realistically) penetration. It may start out as such; he was aware that these things can feel good to anyone, even the very inexperienced, but he was also aware that in most cases any girls' first time is going to quickly become painful even if he was not particularly well endowed, which he knew he wasn't, to his eternal social level of neither approval nor laughter. Of course, he could easily have made it easier for her by just about any method but the one he was going to use aside from the ones that would likely result in her saying anything, but he knew that even veering towards making it easier for her would increase the odds of her estimating that he might be compassionate and, once again, saying anything, and that was not a viable option. His basic plan was to start off by counterbalancing her understandable fear by ensuring that she felt good, and then move on to completely have his way (or what he thought might be his way even if he knew it wasn't in reality) with her once she had already given what she would later view as consent. She was a smart girl, but a shy, unpopular one aside from Mary, who engaged in this sort of routine without her half being nonconsensual more or less weekly. Any shy girl whose best friend is renowned as a slut is bound to look down on her while secretly wondering what the whole experience is about, he had figured. Earlier in the night, during conversation and light drinking (not nearly enough that either of them could write off what was going to happen because of it) he had realized that she was at the precisely correct time of her life and teenaged personality crisis for him to do what he was going to do. She had been stood up by her friends the night before, she wanted to change, she knew that Mary was popular and partially because of her promiscuity, he was a quasi-friend she knew relatively little about and seemed to figure was a well-liked person. They were to sleep in the same bed later that night.

Mary: If you touch her I'll fucking kill you.

He had no real reason to listen. He was already in a different tier of the glorious education system. His real friends were elsewhere, and these ones were really only having him around because he was cooler for being older and he was only around for casual maniacal exploitations like so. It was quite wonderfully perfect in the purely mechanical sense. So now it was night time and they both lay in less clothing than normal, him facing one wall and her the other, both on their sides. They were by far not that drunk. He would tell his friends of course, and she would cry of course, and his friends (the ones among whom her virginity would be a very significant social feather in his cap) would have to call her to laugh at her later of course, and he would lose something over this of course, but how could he really pass up such a perfect oppurtunity? He turned and wrapped his arm around her midriff to turn her around as well.

The rest was something of a blur of would-be-spokens and "not at all gentle" and complete silencing of the inner monologue and he was sure not to ever kiss her and when it was done he told her in a quiet but very serious voice somewhere above whispering but below just talking quietly that he had a girlfriend and she can't tell anybody about it. He was sure to be gone before she woke up the next morning and he knew it would cost him a girlfriend he didn't really want since her best friend was Mary and Mary was friends with the aforementioned significant other. In fact it would, combined with the later episode involving her and some of the more cruel of his friends cost him that entire social ellipse, but who needed them and who could pass up such a perfect oppurtunity, regardless of cost? Even years later he would reason that it was worth it. Of course, he wished he remembered more of the details immediately, and of course he would only want to do it again, and again and again because once you've embraced your inner monster in any way it, in isolation mind you, only becomes obsessed with recreating the high. Heroin addicts call it "chasing the dragon" - trying to re-experience the feeling of that first pure high. It often results in the use of more and more heroin to satisfy that that urge, even to the point of overdose. The dragon isn't exactly easy prey.


2 am and he reasoned with a self-inflicted snicker that he cared more about his sprained thumb from basketball two nights ago than he did about the starving orphaned North Korean masses. It was, he thought, a conflict that would probably arise in anyone remotely interested in introspection constantly. Bill Gates with a toothache is still temporarily a very unhappy Bill Gates. A very common conflict indeed.

3 am and he reasoned that she probably cared more about her brief and most likely not significantly life changing encounter than about the aforementioned masses as well. So that aspect of them was really the same, and neither of them would be too dramatically influenced. Neither of them would learn anything or grow as people. Just another social and personal setback for her, really, even if it was one that would be remembered much longer than most.

4 am and he couldn't see how any book or sonnet or tome could ever justify the written word. You don't even have the ones I have.

"Oh god help me get through this. I am corrupt in stomach, I am sick in window, I cannot see through even the lightest glass. My own cold ignorance is closing in on me and all I can see fit to do is offer it a fuck and clear a straight path when I know any man would have done the same sans the struggle that probably wasn't in my original intent. How can I move on when I don't know? How will I ever come to grips with all that lies ahead when what came behind still seems so inexplicable and intricate? I wish I could do anything else that didn't involve doing violence to the facts because anything more would be unfair to them. I can give myself hundreds of answers but the real truth lies somewhere where I'll probably never have the real answer and four limp quotation marks can't hide my own obsessions and deviations. We're all so young and disaffected and then we were even younger and moreso disaffected and now my friends are moving on with their lives. Help me Toronto help me Mineral help me Leonard Cohen it's coming time to face up to everything I've failed to contain and it's turned from anxiety into growing resignation and now I don't even want to fuck anymore god help me."

5 am. "For" is a waste of time, space and effort. Either they already know or they'll never see it. I'm wired and want for anything and it's a million empty bottles on a mantle until the day I push them all of on top of the broken bodies of each other and eat the glass. Ladyfingers they taste just like ladyfingers.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


I don't see why we can't just go on as three, say the Byrds

The most interesting reviews on amazon.com are undoubtedly the two-star ones. You avoid the senseless praise and idiots who're just trying to be as extreme in their vitriol - the real vitriol comes from those who recognize that there is something worth listening to but also realize the numerous flaws. It's especially fun to read this way about albums you enjoy. Follow these, if you have the time, with the three-star ones, then the ones, then the fours. Why do you need to read 5/5 reviews? They can't tell you anything other than how superlative the album is in X many ways. You should be coming up with that yourself.

So last week I was going to the beach at Neville Park. Not the one with the boardwalk - the secret one where the beach parties were in years past. Two things:
1) First, a little background, and yes, this will sound ridiculous: Back in '04, I went to the beach with Elyse. On the way there, we hopped on the streetcar east, in front of The Bay. When we passed Healey's I knew something was wrong. Sure enough, in a few minutes we were on the Queensway. An hour later we had disembarked and embarked on a bus really going east, and sure enough, we passed the point where we got on the last bus in the first place. By the time we reached the beach our night was pretty over. But more importantly, that streetcar can not turn around, and I would know if I'd crossed the road before getting on. If I hadn't, Elyse would have. That we both somehow had a complete lapse of memory and/or reason is beyond fathomable. I also stress we were both sober at the time. It stands as the weirdest ever thing in my life and something that still makes me wonder for instants if there isn't some prankster god up there hiding fossils and fucking with streetcars.
So, background established, we (Bonnie and I) reached Bloor and Yonge and got on the subway North. Only the first station we reached was Rosedale. Rosedale! We looked at each other and shook our heads. Bizarre. But Bonnie can only imagine how incredibly fucking weird it was. Currently the two most inexplicable events in my memoried life deal with going to the same place. I don't even know how to start, only to say that if you don't believe me you can ask Elyse about the first time and Bonnie about the second. There is no conclusion to gather here that I can see.
2) The beach has been refenced, and now the fences are on private property. The new fences are 8-10 feet high. We had to go to the boardwalk since Bon was in flipflops and didn't want to climb the fence barefoot. I want my beach back. It's my beach, and the new one isn't at all the same. The people, the designs in sand, the cars, the visible buildings...I miss my beach already and I plan to get in before the summer's over. Hopefully not alone.