Wednesday, March 01, 2006


gestalt psychology humour: you so pragnanz!

...but why not mail himself?

eros: gestalt psychology humour: you so pragnanz!
cupid: my spunk is, to you, manna from heaven.
eros: ...but why not mail himself?
cupid: gestalt psychology humour: you so pragnanz!
eros: from heaven.
cupid: you so.
eros: from heaven.
cupid: gestalt psychology.
eros: from heaven.
cupid: why not.
eros: from heaven.
cupid: himself.
eros: ?
cupid: gestalt psychology.
eros: is, to you,
cupid: manna from heaven.
eros: insignificant.
cupid: manna from heaven.
eros: pragnanz!
cupid: manna from heaven.
eros: gestalt psychology.
cupid: ?
eros: ...but why not mail
cupid: my spunk
eros: from heaven
cupid: ?
eros: gestalt psychology humour.
cupid: ?
eros: why not
cupid: !
eros: ...but
cupid: gestalt psychology.
eros: why not.
cupid: mail himself?
eros: why not.
cupid: why not mail himself
eros: from heaven
cupid: ?
eros: you so pragnanz!
cupid: pragnanz!
eros: pragnanz!
cupid: ?
eros: !
cupid: ...but
eros: ?
cupid: ?



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